Organize Yourself with a Personal Planner
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The goal of my blog, Table for Four or More, is to help you find balance in your busy lives. One way I like to achieve a healthy balance in my own life is to organize my days and weeks.
Whether you are a stay-at-home mom with little ones at your feet or a full-time working mom, there’s ALWAYS something to do, organize, or plan for.
Between doctor’s appointments, work meetings, practices and games, after-school activities, family get-togethers, holidays (the list goes on and on), you also have your regular daily tasks to complete.
The purpose for creating the Personal Planner is to break-down days and weeks into attainable action steps that motivate you to keep reaching for your goals. You can easily see what you’ve already accomplished (super motivating, right?) and what needs to be done next.
Weekly Planner

The Weekly Planner allows you to see your week in its entirety. There is space to set a Weekly Goal and a To Do list. Your Weekly Goal can be anything you want it to be, whether it’s a goal to exercise more, sleep more, eat healthier, or organize paperwork.
Daily Planner

Utilize the Daily Planner to focus on the specifics of your day. Time is provided in hour-long increments to help you stay on top of your schedule and plan your activities accordingly. The Daily Planner is available Sunday through Saturday.
Weekly Meal Planner

Utilize the Weekly Meal Planner (one of my must-do activities every weekend) to plan your meals and make your grocery list for the week ahead. There is space to include any activities planned for the evening which helps you decide what type of meal you need to prepare. Will it be a crockpot meal? Make ahead casserole? Sandwiches? Quick and easy? Instant pot?
To Do List

Keep it simple using this To Do List you can easily check-off as you go! Nothing more motivating than being able to mark something off your list.
Call & Email Log

How many times have you forgotten to call someone back or respond to an email? I admit I have done this many times, especially when I see that someone has emailed or called but I’m in the middle of doing something else and it slips my mind completely to go back and respond.