Can a Journal Help You Find Balance?

Can a Journal Help You Find Balance?

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I started this blog to provide resources and tips for working moms on how to achieve balance. What I have learned along the way is that finding balance is hard. Not impossible, but not easy either. Read on to see if a journal is the secret to finding the balance we are all in search of.

When It All Began

I wrote my first blog post in August 2018 when I was preparing to begin my 24th year of teaching. At the time, my two children were still young enough to need me but old enough to have some independence and my after-school schedule was busy but manageable. I became obsessed with my blog spending every extra minute I had writing, creating pins and stalking my analytics on Pinterest.

I slept little and worked around the clock. So much for having a work-life balance. The irony of it all is I started my blog to help others, by sharing tips and resources on ways to achieve a healthy balance. I just couldn’t do much to help myself. I often dreamt of quitting my teaching job to work as a full-time blogger, thinking that I would finally be able to cut something out (i.e., my teaching job) to focus on my writing.

The Pandemic Pause

This pattern of working and blogging came to a screeching halt in 2020 along with the rest of the world. For the first time since I became a mother, I didn’t have anywhere to go. I closed the door on my classroom in March and didn’t return until the following February. Suddenly there were no meetings, no commutes to work, no hectic mornings, no practices, no games…nothing.

I should have been elated that I finally had extra time to work on my blog without having to juggle teaching and my after-school schedule with the kids. There really were no excuses not to be productive, I just wasn’t. I wasn’t motivated either.

New Beginnings

Fast forward to 2022 and I find myself at another crossroad. I started this school year in a new position that has taken me out of the classroom. I am an Early Childhood Special Education Coordinator and I couldn’t love it more. The challenge of learning a new position along with joy I find in helping grow teachers has given my tired teaching career a much-needed boost.

During one of the department meetings, I was gifted with The 5 Second Journal by Mel Robbins. Now I have plenty of journals, most of which are unused. I love the idea of journaling, which is why I already own some. The problem is, I either forget about them or convince myself I don’t have time.

This Journal is Different

Upon opening up the front cover of the The Five Second Journal, I was immediately intrigued when I read the following:

“For a long time, I was the kind of person who was busy but not productive.”

I felt like Mel Robbins wrote her introductory paragraph just for me. With every word I read I wanted to learn more about this journal and why it’s so powerful.

Data Driven

The data driven teacher in me is also drawn to the fact that this journal is based off of research.

Say what?!

Yes! The fields of psychology, organizational behavioral and neuroscience were brought together to create this journal that will lead to a more productive and happy life. Who wouldn’t like that?

How to Have the Best Day Ever

The 5 Second Journal takes it one step further by providing a daily template that is used to help you achieve your best life. From identifying how you are feeling to identifying what your top project is and the action steps needed to move forward, Mel Robbins provides you with these and other simple steps along the way to keep you focused and motivated.

My Goal

In the days, weeks and months ahead, it is my goal to dedicate at least five days a week to writing in the journal. I’ve only just begun with a few entries but I have already been able to accomplish some tasks I’ve been putting off (hello blog post) and have a plan to do more.

I am now on a mission, to figure out if balance is possible with the help of The 5 Second Journal. I will keep you updated on my progress and hopefully I’ll see you along the way!

If you are already using The Five Second Journal, I’d love to hear what you think about it in the comments below.

Until Next Time,

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