How to Manage Weight During Perimenopause

How to Manage Weight During Perimenopause

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I’m 53 years old and have been in perimenopause for years. However, some of the changes that took me by surprise felt like they happened overnight. Think sleepless nights, hot flashes and rapid weight gain.

In this blog post, I’m going to share with you how I am managing my weight during perimenopause. In doing so, I hope you find some helpful advice. At the very least, perhaps you’ll find comfort in the fact that you can relate to the information. Before I get started, I should share a few things first. 

How to start getting fit during perimenopause

What is Perimenopause?

Quite literally, perimenopause means “around menopause”. Although it can occur in woman as early as their mid-thirties, most woman will begin to experience perimenopause symptoms in their 40s. 

According to the Mayo Clinic, some of the changes our bodies might experience as our bodies level of estrogen rises and falls, include: irregular periods, hot flashes that can result in sleep problems, mood changes, vaginal and bladder problems, loss of bone, decreasing fertility and changing cholesterol levels (Read more from the Mayo Clinic here).

Keep in mind that some woman may experience very slight symptoms related to perimenopause or none at all. Others may experience symptoms severe enough that they interfere with daily plans. In that case, please reach out to a medical professional for support.

How Long does Perimenopause Last?

Woman go through perimenopause until they’ve gone 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period. At that time, menopause has officially begun. 

How to combat weight gain during menopause

My Fitness Changed as My Kids Grew Up

I am not a girl who enjoys group activities. As an introvert, I have always preferred solitary workouts. Running was always my favorite form or exercise. When my kids were really young, I found myself wanting to run more often than my schedule would allow.  As I got older, my joints decided they no longer enjoyed my outdoor runs and so I stopped running altogether. 

By the time my kids were in elementary school, there just wasn’t enough time in the day to get to the gym. Large portions of my evening were spent in my car shuttling them to their various activities. I would still find time to fit an occasional walk but never more than that. Also, I don’t think I can count walking the dog twice a day since there were too many stops along the way. 

Join a Gym

I now find myself with two busy high schoolers who have become positive influence on my health.  Recently, my daughter joined a gym and asked me to go with her as her guest. 

So one Sunday morning, my daughter drove me to her gym (I can’t believe that I am typing that) and guess what? I loved it! I didn’t start on the treadmill but it’s where I ended up. It was almost as if I couldn’t deny myself the chance to try. 

When my daughter stopped by the treadmill to check and see if I was still alive, I told her that I hadn’t expected to start running but once I did, I really enjoyed it.  Most of all, my joints didn’t hurt. The treadmill provides a nice cushion and “bounce” for my joints that the pavement does not.  

That evening, I joined the same gym and decided to get serious about my health once and for all. The gym I joined is open 24/7 and that really helps when my evening hours are booked. It gives me the flexibility to work-out early in the morning before work or later in the evening. 

Invest in Quality Running Shoes

Wearing quality running shoes makes all the difference for me. I was lucky enough that I found a pair of Brooks on sale at Dick’s during the holidays and I love them! If not Brooks, I also love New Balance. Since having kids, my feet are wider and require more space in the toe-head. I’ve had the experience of developing black toe from running in shoes that were too narrow. Trust me when I say it’s not fun nor is it something you want to bare when you start wearing sandals again. So quality shoes AND shoes that fit your specific feet are important. Many stores that sell running shoes will measure your foot, including your arch, to ensure a proper fit. 

Start your Fitness Journey During Perimenopause

Prepare your Playlist

Nothing helps me to get out of my headspace more than my workout playlist. I still have my favorites from when I ran ten years ago and have since added a few more. Lady Gaga has encouraged me to keep going more than she’ll ever know. Find the artists that empower you and make you feel invincible! Make your list long enough to get you through your work-out and you’re ready to go. 

Weight Training is Critical

At my last doctor’s appointment, I voiced my concerns regarding my weight gain over the past few months. After discussing the importance of eating more protein (which I wasn’t even close to getting the daily recommended amount), I also learned how incorporating weight training was not only important to losing weight but maintaining bone density. 

According to the article, Strength Training Builds More than Muscles, written by Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School, having strong bones can minimize the risk of fracture due to osteoporosis. This is of great importance to me a this time since I have two elderly parents who are prone to falls and broken bones. My mother has brittle bones and cannot suffer a fall without breaking her bones. There’s nothing more painful than watching a parent endure the pain of surgery and physical therapy to heal a broken bone. 

I want to not only look better in my shorts this summer, I want to feel better. I want to look down and see that my legs are once again strong and capable. I want my core strength to improve so that my posture is straight and my back isn’t sore. I also want my arms to be able to carry heavy or bulky items without dropping them.

I’m not looking to win any contests at this age, I just want to feel a little more like the old me and a little less like the person I’ve become over the past couple of years. 

Eat More Protein

Eating more protein will help you build and maintain muscle. How much protein should you consume? According to the Cleveland Clinic, understanding your calorie needs helps to determine how much protein you should eat. In the article, How Much Protein Do You Need? And How to Get it, it states that most people can benefit from getting about 25% of their daily calories from protein. Factors such as age, assigned sex, height, weight and activity level all help determine a person’s calorie needs. 

Set Goals

One of the most important things you can do for motivation is set some goals for yourself. Start with a long-term goal and break it into smaller, more manageable goals. What do you ultimately want to achieve? More flexibility? Longer runs? More weight training? More muscle tone? Less body fat? More energy? 

Be sure to keep your goal realistic so that they are achievable. Doing so will allow you to continue to set new goals which will then keep you motivated. 

Weigh Yourself

I have read many different opinions regarding how often a person should weigh themselves. Some recommend weighing-in once a week or even once every two weeks. You should weigh yourself as often as you are comfortable. I find for myself that if I don’t weigh myself at least a couple times a week, that I start to get careless with what I eat, when I eat and how much I eat. I don’t like surprises, especially when it comes to my weight. If I let myself go too long, my weight will creep up without even knowing it.

With regular weigh-ins, I’m able to keep weight gain to a minimum by making healthier choices throughout the day. Whether that’s taking more walks in-between meetings, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or denying myself a donut on my morning coffee run. Small changes add up big over time.  

For more information, read this great article from healthline for 6 Rules to Weighing Yourself and When to Ditch the Scale.

Time to Get to It!

I am determined to combat perimenopause-induced fatigue, weight gain and sleeplessness. My long journey has just begun. In this post, I shared some of my experiences and hope that you find solace in knowing you are not alone. To review, my 7 tips for How to Manage Weight During Perimenopause are:

Join a Gym

Invest in Quality Running Shoes

Prepare your Playlist

Weight Training is Critical

Eat More Protein

Set Goals

Weigh Yourself

I really hope you found this post helpful, if not encouraging. Please feel free to leave comment in the box below.

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