Finding Balance as a Working Mom

Welcome to my blog! My name is Julie and I am the creator of Table for Four or More. I am a working mom finding ways to create balance in my life. The tips and resources I share focus in the areas of cooking, travel, organizing , cleaning, and all things coffee

Inspirational quote for Table for Four or More blog

I am a mother of two amazing children, ages 15 and 16, and have been happily married for 24 years. In addition to having a busy home life, I also work full-time as and Early Childhood Education Special Education Coordinator.

Why Blog?

My whole life I’ve written to understand my thoughts, feelings, and emotions. My love of the written word started all the way back in the third grade when I was gifted an electric typewriter for Christmas. I write to help make sense of the world and to solve problems when I don’t know what to do. Writing has always been safe and fulfilling; giving me an outlet to express myself. As an introvert, writing gives me a quiet and much needed break from the constant noise of life. 

Table for Four or More was Born

My blog’s name, Table for Four or More, was inspired by relaxing summer evenings sitting around a table with friends and neighbors. We often share in an impromptu meal where everyone brings something and it turns out that these meals are better than anything we could do alone. As friends go, we are as diverse a group as they come. Each of us unique in our perspectives, ideas, and life experiences.

The idea behind my blog is to share conversations with you as if you too are sitting around the table with me. Conversations that inspire, motivate, and help you move towards finding balance as a working mom. Finding a good balance is difficult but not impossible.

So won’t you take a seat and join me? 

Here are a few of my favorite posts to get you started.

How to Deep Clean your Kitchen

Weekly Cleaning Schedule for Working Moms

Best Tips for your Next Beach Vacation

Dauphin Island is the Perfect Low-Key Beach Getaway



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