5 Daily Habits to Keep Your House Clean

5 Daily Habits to Keep Your House Clean

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There are reasons to keep your house clean that go beyond the obvious reason of wanting your house to look and feel good. Also, keeping your house clean doesn’t have to be overwhelming or stressful. Follow these 5 daily habits to keep your house clean throughout the week and you’ll never have to dread weekend cleaning again.

The Science Behind Cleanliness

Studies have shown that people who keep clean houses are healthier and even more active than those that keep a messy or cluttered house. The National Sleep Foundation did a study and found that people who make their bed in the morning are 19 percent more likely to regularly get a good night’s sleep. In addition, clutter can make it difficult to focus on a task since your brain can become overwhelmed with distractions.

Since keeping a house clean leads to reduced levels of stress, it leads to eating more nutritious foods, getting better sleep, building up your immunity, and being more healthy. Who wouldn’t like that?

Intrigued? Click here to read more about the psychology and mental health benefits of keeping a clean house.

5 daily habits to keep your house clean

Today I’m going to share with you 5 Daily Habits to Keep Your House Clean. These are quick and easy tasks that when you put them all together, make a huge difference in the overall cleanliness of your home.

This list is a nice way to begin developing cleaning habits that will contribute to your overall health and happiness. But first, let’s talk about cleaning products.

Cleaning Products Worth a Try

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1. Make Your Bed

As previously mentioned, making your bed can lead to a better nights rest. Who wouldn’t like that? Once you start, you’ll soon see why making the bed is a powerful way to start your day off right. Walking into my bedroom with a messy bed makes my entire house feel unkept. Even though no one but my family ever sees that the beds are made, having them made contributes to the feeling of a clean and organized home. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’ll make you feel productive right from the start.

2. Empty the Dishwasher & Sink

Waking up in the morning is hard. Real hard. Waking up to a sink full of dirty dishes makes me want to turn around and bury myself under the covers for the rest of the day.

Keeping up on the dishes can be a daunting task. However, taking a few minutes before bed to put away clean dishes from the dishwasher and loading up anything left after dinner is a great way to eliminate the dishes the morning after. I’ve also found that while the food is cooking, I can spend a few minutes tidying up the kitchen before we even eat dinner. When our schedules are busy, every minute counts.

On the mornings when there are dishes in the sink and the dishwasher needs emptied (because even with the best of intentions, dirty dishes just happen), I have figured out a time in my morning routine to get the dishes done. For me, it’s first thing in the morning after I walk the dog and before the coffee is finished brewing. The longer I wait in the morning to do something, the less likely it’ll get done because school and work won’t wait.

3. Laundry

Oh laundry, the bane of my existence! It seems to never, ever end. I have come to terms with the fact that I will ALWAYS have a pile of laundry in my house somewhere.

With that said, what I’ve learned to do to keep the laundry in control and not falling out of the hampers and out onto the floor is to wash, dry, fold, and put away a load every single night. The secret is to fold the laundry and put it away. That for me is the challenge.

When clothes aren’t put away, they seem to pile up for days and get lost. No one knows where their favorite shirt or soccer socks are because they are stuck at the bottom of the pile. And you know what happens to the rest of the clothes when someone is looking for something at the bottom of the pile…that’s enough said about that.

4. Have a Place for Paper Clutter

Nothing clutters up countertops more than paper clutter. So much of it comes in every single day but there’s not always time to look at every piece of mail or school work when you first walk in the door.

School work that is sent home to stay home is stored in wall-mounted letter bins until I can take a closer look to determine what stays and what gets recycled. Read my post here about how I manage to organize and store incoming school papers throughout the year. School announcements are hung up on a cork board and important dates are written on a dry erase monthly calendar.

Mail is another huge contributor to paper clutter. I immediately recycle paper ads and anything else that is junk. For the important pieces of mail, they are placed in the corner of our kitchen counter in a neat pile when we first get home. This pile then gets distributed based on who the mail is for and what actions need to be taken. We have used nice bins to hold the mail and have even put the mail in a different location to keep it out of sight. The problem was, once we put it away we forgot about it. Not a great idea after all. The key for us is to go through the mail pile daily or at least a few times a week. This keeps the mail pile to a minimum and our countertop clutter-free.

5. Wipe Down Countertops in Kitchen & Bathrooms

This is the last item on my list of 5 Daily Habits to Keep Your House Clean but it may be the one that makes the biggest difference. When I look around the kitchen, I can’t stand to see sticky residue, crumbs, or other spills on the countertops. It just makes the kitchen feel dirty.

Simply wiping down the counters with disinfecting wipes, e-cloths or whatever you choose to use, helps to create that feeling of overall cleanliness.

The same is true for the bathroom countertops, a quick wipe and you’re done. Daily cleaning of the countertops also helps keep items put away such as hairdryers, curling irons, hairspray, lotions, contacts…(this list could go on and on).

Free Printable

Click the image below to print out 5 Daily Cleaning Habits.

5 daily cleaning habits printable

So there you have it, 5 Daily Habits to Keep Your House Clean. I hope you’ve found these suggestions helpful. If you’re interested in reading more about cleaning and organizing ideas, click on the links below.

How to Quick Clean Your House + Free Printable

A Cleaning Schedule that Works + Free Printable

Organize Yourself with a Personal Planner

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